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Emotional Healing Intensive is a 1-week to 1-month radically transformational healing space for you during which you make use of each and every emotion that comes to the surface about anything, no matter when it comes up, by asking for Emotional Healing Processes from your Emotional Healing Intensive Team.
When is the appropriate time for you to organize and go through an Emotional Healing Intensive?
...and inner navigate your 5 bodies
You are on the New Thoughtmap of Feelings where feelings and emotions are neutral source of information and energy. Emotions are gateways for Emotional Healing Processes.
You have participated in at least one Rage Club, and one Fear Club in which freed your feelings tubes from a number of energetic blocks.
You can easily inner navigate Anger, Sadness, Fear and Joy and mixed Emotions.
You can distinguish your 5 Bodies.
You can already notice when you are Centered, Grounded and Bubbled or not.
... to hold an intensive self-made space of transformation
You have already been through a number (at least 10) Emotional Healing Processes.
You have participated in at least one Expand The Box, and ideally 1 or 2 Possibility Lab.
Optionally, you have held space for other people to go through Emotional Healing Process (EHP) so you have the experience of EHP from the inside and the outside.
... and don't know how to go through them all
On your path of evolution, you will inevitably have emotional reactions. This is how it goes. Every time you notice an emotion, at the back of your Beep! Book, take note of the emotion and the story attached. The next time you have an appointment for an EHP, you pull out your Beep! Book and choose one emotion to heal.
If when you open your Beep! Book, you have collected more than 10 emotions, it might be time to make use of them during an Emotional Healing Intensive.
... and change your relationship to your past
At some in your path of evolution, it will become clear that you are ready to take a leap: rapid and radical change of relationship to the world, from being a victim of your emotions to being in the driving seat of your life. Where you are more and more stabilize in your Adult Ego State, and start gaining access to Archetypal Domains.
This is what the result of the Emotional Healing Intensive can be.
How does an Emotional Healing Intensive go?
Nobody is ever ready to go through an Emotional Healing Intensive but it can help to remember that life does not happen when you are ready for it.
You don't have to be ready to jump, you only need to be ready enough, and you are already ready for more than you think!
About this, you might want to read the article by Anne-Chloé Destremau, The Pain of Change vs. The Painful Comforts of Home.
An Emotional Healing Intensive can happen fully online or offline (especially if you live in community) or a mix of both.
It might be crucial to organize a Emotional Healing Intensive fully or partly offline if your core survival strategy is isolation or deep fear of intimacy. The physical connection becomes a necessary part of the healing and transformation.
If you do not live in a community, or near spaceholders for EHP, there exist places which are dedicated to host clients for Emotional Healing Intensive. They are called Bridge Houses. Check out the website to see the Bridge Houses in your area with spaceholders near by.
An Emotional Healing Intensive time frame is between 1 week and 1 month. Less than a week is not enough to uproot your point-of-origin from your survival strategy and move it into a living purpose. More than 1 month is too long for the 'cooking' to be intense enough to create a major leap in your relationship to the world.
Your time frame depends on the pace at which your 5-body system can integrate Emotional Healing Process. The purpose of the Intensive is not for you to crash and burn.
We recommend to check-in with your Team to determine an appropriate time frame for you.
Choose between 4 and 9 trusted spaceholders who will become your Team to hold space for every of your emotions that surface during your EHI. Your Team becomes a circle around you. They not only hold space for you during one-on-one EHP, but during the whole lenght of the EHI.
About who can be on your team and how to choose your EHI Team, see the section Who?
It is possible that the people that you would need on your Team don't feel 'competent' enough to hold space for you. Remind them what you need is for them to used their life experience, their commitment to you and their wits. And that there is a list of supporting literrature in this website for them, in the section What?
It is recommended to create a messaging group (Telegram, WhatsApp) where you can check-in with them, and follow your evolution.
When you have your time frame and your team, it is time to set a date in the near future: maximum 1 week after the time has come together, no longer. Otherwise your Box and Gremlin have already taken over your process.
A negotiation has two sides: what do you want and what do they (your Team member) want in regards to:
* What are the 'open times' for you (when you can call them for an EHP) and for them (when they are available to take your call)
* What is the exchange of resource. For example, the exchange of resource could be that if they hold space for you during your Emotional Healing Intensive, then you would hold space for them during their Emotional Healing Intensive. This is Winning Happening and Healing Happening at large scale.
* How many times per week are they willing to hold space for you?
* Can you already set up dates with some of them?
* Are they available for a 10-15min check-in even if it is not a full Emotional Healing Process?
After you have gathered your Team, the date is set, and the rules-of-engagement are clear, the day before the Emotional Healing Intensive starts, organize a meeting with ALL members of your Team.
You start the meeting by sharing the necessity for having this Emotional Healing Intensive now and with them. Have each member of the Team check-in so that they can meet each other (if they don't already know each other). Use the meeting to answer any last questions.
"And it begins!"8AND THUS IT BEGINS
It is possible that your Box and Gremlin will try to destroy this opportunity for you. Do not let them. For example, by making a pirate agreement with one person in the Team to whom you will report everyday how your Box and Gremlin are trying to sabotage this opportunity for you. The agreement could include, for example, that you will have to hold space for someone else's Emotional Healing Process everytime you neglect to report.
It is highly recommend to keep a journal during the Emotional Healing Intensive and for example,
- write each Emotional Healing Process down, including the starting point, how this emotion has influenced your life and the transformation that occured
- your practice and what you notice from doing these practices
- the thoughts, feelings, realisation that emerge from being in the Emotional Healing Intensive
- etc...
Your Emotional Healing Intensive is not a race, and it is not a competition. It is not about 'doing' as many Emotional Healing Process as possible. (If you have a german survival box this is particular for you!)
An Emotional Healing Intensive is about making use of the emotions that surface NOW and noticing your survival mechanisms at work.You will not be done with emotions after the Emotional Healing Intensive. There is no top end to Emotional Healing.
You will not have succesfully gotten rid of your Box or your Gremlin.
You will not be a better person (or worse person), you will have another shape with which the Universe can interact with differently.
Shortly after the end of the Emotional Healing Intensive (preferably, no longer than 3-4 days after the last EHP), organize a meeting with all the Team members for a celebration of what just happened. Have everybody check-in about how was it for them to be a spaceholder, what did they learn?
Let yourself be seen and appreciated for bringing these people into service.
Compile the notes from your journal into an 2 to 3-page article. It does not matter if it seems messy, or unreasonable, or pretentious or 'not good enough', your notes will help many people realize that this process is possible for them and the transformation that it can create.
Writing your Emotional Healing Intensive article is an appreciation to all the people who have made it possible for you to do it (which is larger than your Team) by passing it forward.After you have written your article, please publish it on Medium (or any other blog platform) and send the link to Anne-Chloé Destremau so it can be shared on this website and inspire other edgeworkers to grow up!
to do their Emotional Healing Intensive.
After a Team held space for you for your Emotional Healing Intensive, you are ready enough to hold space for someone else for their Emotional Healing Intensive, maybe someone who was holding space for you.
What Emotional Healing Processes will you go through?
It is impossible to predict what Emotional Healing Process you will go through.
You are a unique Being, you has created a unique survival strategy over lifetimes to be who you are now.
However, there are some guidelines to support your Team of Possibility Coaches who will hold space for you during the Emotional Healing Intensive.
Crucial distinctions and secrets hints to hold space for Emotional Healing Processes. A must-read for a EHI spaceholder!
100+ demonstrations of Emotional Healing Process, in addition to a extensive list of possible path a process can lead into. Watching the demonstration builds huge amount of matrix.
3 Phase Healing removes you from the illness rather than trying to remove the illness from you.
(work in progress)
One of the purpose of Emotional Healing Processes is for the client to take back their Authority (their own conscious authority) about eveything (one thing at a time). Use this purpose as the big-picture steering power of your processes, and the results will be magnificent.
Emotional Healing Process navigates 3 Worlds, the Underworld, the Middle World and the Upperworld. As a spaceholder, you might have a tendency to exclude one or more of these world. Healing needs all 3.
Know the different between high intensity Emotional Reactivity and high intensity Stellated Feelings. Emotions are unconscious outbursts. Feelings are conscious expressions.
The context of Emotional Healing Intensive is Radical Responsibility, which means you as a spaceholder are 100% radically responsible and your client is also 100% radically responsible. This does not mean that you or your client have to 'do this' perfectly. It means that the healing provided moves each part of your client into radical responsibility as a context of Life.
Basic distinction. Most (if not all) of the blocks, resistances, battles, wars, reactions comes from your client's Box (and Gremlin). It is not about their circumstances and it is not about you. Don't get suck into their victim stories.
On the EHI journey, you will get to know your client's Gremlin really well. Keep bringing awareness to the behaviors of their Gremlin. Do not let things slip.
Survival is a specific orientation to life where the entire purpose and focus is to simply get by, to make it through. Your client thinks their survival strategy is life. It is not.
It is a common strategy to mix emotions to deny access to the power of energy and information of pure feelings. Unmixing emotions might be a needed process for your client.
Just as often, your client would have put an energetic block for the same reason: to block access to pure powerful feelings. Removing an energetic block is a common process.
It might happen that your client needs one of the 13 floor processes during their EHI. You can really only deliver the floor processes that you've been through yourself. Reviewing these processes before holding space for an EHI can bring them back into your awareness at a prompt moment.
Brain Splits is a initiatory healing process that, if you have been through, you can offer to your client during a EHI.
Memetic Engineering are core process of shifting from surviving to living. Memetic Engineering is an archetypal conversation technology through which your client has the possibility to observe in detailed slow-motion the memes that they use everyday to interact, create, move, make offers or block themselves.
There are 6 Ego State, 4 of which are the source of Emotions. Being clear about the emotional source gives you power to provide the appropriate emotional healing process.
Contamination of the Adult Ego State with other Ego State is a survival strategy much more common than what we thought. It is very highly probable that your client's Adult Ego state is contaminated with other Ego State. Noticing the contamination and being able to provide clear instructions for next step require clarity. The website provide that clarity.
Who can you ask to be on your Emotional Healing Intensive Team?
How to choose who is on your Emotional Healing Intensive Team?
Your Team is recommended to be a mix of:
- experienced and less experienced spaceholders
- spaceholders with whom you feel safe and other that are dangerous to your Box and Gremlin
- specialise in Memetic Engineering, Gremlin work, Decontamination of Ego State, Feelings Practitioners, Rage work, ...
And you can read the story of their transformational journey...
Maybe some day other people can read your story...
7.5 Days - Report from Sophia-Magdalena Hofmann
4 sorceresses, 7 days, every emotion that comes up will be worked out and gone through. Set a date and ask 4 space holders to be in your service for 7 days. The following is my personal report about this experiment.
Seven Days of F(un)acing ME from Christine Ploschenz
I am Christine and the last seven days i did an experiment where i made a comittment with myself to ask for support whenever an emotion comes up and see what information it has for me. Here is my diary of these 7 days...
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code EHINTENS.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!